Privacy Policy

Introductory Provisions

Carboneg Group s.r.o., Business ID No. 19994311, with its registered office at Doudlebská 1699/5, 140 00 Praha 4, Nusle, registered in the Commercial Register at the Municipal Court in Prague, Section C, Entry 395247, operating this web program for putting carbon into the soil (hereinafter the “Company”) takes care to duly uphold its obligations in the area of personal data protection, in particular pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation, “GDPR”), and Act No. 110/2019, on personal data processing.

The Company acts in particular in the role of personal data controller. In specific situations, in particular when working with its business partners, the Company also acts as personal data processor for other controllers.

The Data Protection Officer is Mgr. Eliška Kutnohorská, MBA. The Company or its authorized representatives can be contacted in connection with personal data protection at the email address

Personal Data Subject

The data subject is a natural person who provided the Company with their data on their own, or whose personal data the Company acquired from a third party, in particular from its business partners, or whose personal data the Company acquired from other sources.

Data subjects can therefore include (not exclusively) farmers, clients, client employees, partners, partner employees, job seekers, etc.

Scope of personal data processing

As a processor, the Company processes personal data for the purpose of fulfilling contractual obligations between the Company and the controller, under the conditions set out in in the specific contract on processing of personal data. The Company processes the personal data itself in the scope provided by data subjects directly, or in the scope the Company acquired it from other persons or from other legal sources.

Purpose of personal data processing

The Company as the data controller processes the personal data for the purpose of performing under the agreement, meeting legal obligations, and for its legitimate interest, especially direct marketing (i.e. offering the data controller’s products and services) including sending commercial communications pursuant to Act No. 480/2004, on certain services of an information society. In specific cases the Company processes personal data also on the basis of the data subject’s consent.

Assessing the necessity of processing

The Company respects data subjects’ privacy and as a result only processes personal data that is absolutely necessary for the stipulated purposes of processing.

Term of personal data processing

The Company processes personal data for theperiod necessary or stipulated by legal regulations. If no such period isstipulated, the Company processes the personal data for the duration of thecontractual relationship with the data subject or contractual relationshipbetween the data controller and the Company in the position of processor, aswell as for a period of 20 years after the end of said contractualrelationship, especially due to continuing measurement and ensuring thepresence of carbon in the soil.

Personal Data Processing Consent

If the data subject granted the data controller their consent to personal data processing, then the data subject can withdraw said consent at any time. Withdrawal of consent has no effect on the legality of processing based on consent given before the withdrawal. Withdrawal of consent also has no effect on the processing of personal data the data controller processes on a legal basis other than consent (i.e. in particular if the processing is necessary for performance under the agreement, legal obligations or other reasons set forth in legal regulations). Withdrawal of consent is typically performed in the same manner as the consent was given. If that is not possible, the data subject is entitled to withdraw consent in writing sent to the Company’s address.

Disclosing personal data

The Company never discloses personal data to third parties, with the exception of its suppliers in the position of processors or other processors, always on the basis of a written personal data processing agreement while adhering to the same obligations as the data controller.

Processing personal data for marketing purposes

When visiting the website, information on data subjects’ behavior on the website is processed. The purpose of this processing is legitimate interest as well as securing the provision of only relevant marketing events that will not be a nuisance to the data subject, but that the data subject will use to their own benefit. Data is stored for this purpose to determine what the data subject is interested in, what they most often view on the website, what they order, how they pay for the order, etc.

The Company will then use the information gathered in this manner to automatically personalize the offers displayed to the data subject or send to the data subject directly, depending on their preferences.

Rules for using cookies

Cookies are small data files that our servers send to your computer to let you use our servers more efficiently and adapt their contents to your needs.

Almost every website in the world uses cookies. Cookies make websites you visit multiple times easier to use, meaning they are useful to you. If you visit our website on the same computer and same web browser, cookies will help your computer to remember the website and your settings for that website.

Your computer may also receive and save cookies via our website from the operators of advertising systems operating on our website. Our company also uses Google systems for remarketing purposes. We use remarketing data exclusively to segment visitors in order to deliver more relevant advertising messages. When processing this data we take care to anonymize all personal data so that it is not connected with specific individuals, and we ensure that no personal data is disclosed to third parties without your express consent.

Standard web browsers (Safari, Internet Explorer, Firefox, Google Chrome, etc.) support cookies. In your browser settings you can delete, block or prohibit the use of individual cookies, or you can block or allow them only for certain websites. For more information, please consult your browser’s Help section.

On the first visit to our website we will show a banner with information about our use of cookies and request your consent. You can revoke or amend this consent at any time through the cookies settings on your web browser or the links at the bottom of our website. If you do not wish cookies to be saved to your computer, you can block cookies in your web browser settings.

We only use cookies for purely technical purposes and do not connect the data acquired through cookies with any other data. We work with cookies in a way that does not make it possible to identify specific individuals.

Some cookies are temporary and some are permanent. Temporary cookies are saved in your computer only until the browser session ends. Temporary cookies allow information to be stored when moving from one page to another and eliminate the need to enter certain information repeatedly. Permanent cookies help identify your computer if you visit our website again, but they do not make it possible to identify you personally in any way. Permanent cookies make it possible to adapt our website to your interests, but we store the relevant data in entirely anonymized form and we do not connect it with any other data.

Using Google Analytics

This website uses the service Google Analytics,provided by Google, Inc. (hereinafter “Google”), solely on the basis of yourexpress consent, which you can grant us on your first visit to our websiteusing the consent banner. Google Analytics uses cookies to analyze userbehavior on the website. Information on website use along with the contents ofthe cookie file will be transmitted to Google and saved on servers in theUnited States. The transmission of this data takes place on the basis of thestandard contractual clauses providing appropriate protection for personal datain accordance with the GDPR.

Google will use this information for thepurposes of assessing use of the website, creating reports on its activity, andproviding other services concerning activities on the website and use of theinternet. Google can also provide this information to third parties if sorequired by law or if the third parties are processing the information forGoogle.

Google Analytics includes related advertisingfunctions provided by Google such as view reports in Google’s advertisingnetwork, remarketing (displaying advertisements in the content network on thebasis of viewed products) and expanded demographic overviews.

How to prohibit Google Analytics tracking

If you do not wish your data to be collectedvia Google Analytics, you can revoke your consent at any time using cookiessettings on our website or by installing a plugin provided by Google.

Rights of the data subject in connection with personal data processing

You have the right to access your personal data and have it corrected or added to if it is incorrect or incomplete. You can also request information on the source of the data and request a copy of the personal data being processed. The Company can charge a fee for these services if your request is unreasonable or without grounds. You will be informed of the fee, if charged, in advance.

If your personal data is no longer necessary, you revoke your consent to its processing, you raise the objection that your personal data was being processed unlawfully, or your personal data must be deleted pursuant to legal regulations, you can request the deletion of said data.

If you contest the accuracy of the data or if the data is no longer necessary for the purposes of processing, you have the right to restrict the processing of said data.

In certain cases you have the right to acquire your personal data in structured, commonly used, and machine-readable form, or to request that your personal data be transferred to another controller, if technically possible.

You have the right to raise an objection against personal data processing especially in the event of profiling or sending commercial communications. You can revoke your consent to data processing at any time.

You also have the right to have decisions based on automated processing, including profiling, that would have legal or similarly significant effects, not be applied to you.